
Title Thematic area
THE SECOND WAVE OF SMART CITIES: learning from the experience of a “SMART CITIES LIGHTHOUSE” PROJECT through a study visit in Milan Research and Innovation, Digital transition, Mobility, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Education and employment
U-RLP Journal 5: The project comes to an end Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Education and employment
Antwerp Circular South Journal 3: Half-Way Through State Of The Art Circular Economy, Affordable housing, Climate change mitigation, Waste management
GreenQuays - Urban River Regeneration through Nature Inclusive Quays Local production, Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Affordable housing, Water management
SPIRE - Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem Research and Innovation, Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Circular Economy, Affordable housing
UIA and URBACT joint initiative on implementing the right to housing
Cities engaging in the right to housing Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Circular Economy, Affordable housing, Urban regeneration
Cities implementing the right to housing Affordable housing
Handbook on Sustainable and Circular Re-use of Spaces and Buildings Circular Economy, Urban regeneration
From well-to-wheel, to EV-to-event Climate change mitigation
Mataró has kicked off its project for a larger audience: The Learning event! Research and Innovation, Energy transition, Affordable housing
The living lab: a lab in the air, a space to create on earth Mobility, Climate change mitigation
A2UFood Zoom-in 2: The implementation of the RMF Tool Local production, Circular Economy, Food systems, Waste management
UIA cities Rotterdam and Madrid exchanged ideas and experience Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Education and employment
The Circular City Funding Guide is online
Handbook - Sustainable and Circular re-use of spaces and buildings Climate adaptation
Exploring the deployment of New Mobility Services (NMS)
Summary of Actions of the Circular Economy Partnership
Reducing diversity of Urban Vehicle Access Regulations
Scaling up innovative clean buses Climate change mitigation
Reinforcing the uptake of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) Climate change mitigation
Evaluating best practices in convenient access to public transport
VoxPop - People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon Research and Innovation, Mobility, Job creation and entrepreneurship
To-nite - Community-based urban security Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship
BeSecure-FeelSecure - Holistic Urban Security Governance Framework for Monitoring, Assessing and Forecasting the Efficiency, Sustainability and Resilience of Piraeus Mobility
New Guidance to inspire more walking
Brochure on Policy Guidelines for Affordable Housing in European Cities
DIACCESS - Digital ACCeleration for medium SizE Sustainable cities Research and Innovation, Mobility, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Education and employment
home and care Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Affordable housing, Education and employment
Urban Solutions: five early lessons from the URBACT Transfer Networks