
Expert Database

Learn more about our experts and their areas of expertise in Sustainable Urban Development

Who is an expert?

Experts in this database are those professionals working with the European Urban Initiative and URBACT to deliver Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) in the EU, within the framework of Cohesion Policy. These experts have been involved in a variety of activities, including but not limited to following Innovative Actions projects, City-to-City Exchanges, support to Article 11 cities through peer review of their SUD strategies, capitalisation studies, support to the Urban Agenda for the EU, lead URBACT Networks and much more. Their expertise span over 24 thematic areas and 20 operational topics, in line with the most commonly faced challenges by European cities.

Urban Themes
Thematic areas
Operational topics

How is an expert selected?


EUI and URBACT select experts through a meticulous eligibility and quality assessment process. Experts are assessed based on their knowledge of specific urban matters, years of experience and their suitability for different tasks. Both secretariats strive to achieve a geographical balance and gender representation when admitting experts to their pools.

Vast knowledge and experience in various sustainable urban development and topics
Skilled in supporting Cohesion Policy stakeholders and Article 11 cities with their SUD strategies
Localised expertise in many different urban and EU settings and different city sizes
Experienced in working with different 
stakeholders; from local urban practitioners to 
national authorities and EU programmes
Proficient in providing precise knowledge, 
expertise and network of different stakeholders
Critical thinking and solution-oriented
Expert Database

How does an expert work?

Portico does not endorse any particular individual within this database. The Expert Database of Portico is for public information and is not intended as a promotional tool for any individual. Please practice discretion when using the information in this database.

Portico Expert database

Portico is a public platform where members with diverse professional background are able to join. While some members of our Community may declare themselves an expert, they are not validated or contracted by EUI or URBACT. Only those individuals in the Experts database are validated and contracted experts in the pool of EUI and URBACT.
Explore the Expert database
See all experts within the pool of eperts of EUI and URBACT
83 experts