
Title Thematic area
MAG-NET: Celje’s Bold Experiment in Urban Transformation Affordable housing, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Mobility
Terugblik Europadag Green & Digital 2025
A city for everyone: the return of shared public space
Energetska učinkovitost u gradovima - 5 URBACT dobrih praksi
Préparez-vous à l'appel à Réseaux de transfert en explorant ces 20 bonnes pratiques !
Zoom-in #1 - Housing and Energy Information Offices: From good practices to Egaleo and back
Renovating the community: The public value of improving private housing in Egaleo
Mechelen and the River Dijle: A city rediscovering its treasure - WATSUPS Urban Diary #1
Five URBACT Good Practices placing cities at the core of the energy transition
Jetzt informieren: Bald öffnet der URBACT-Transfer-Netzwerk-Call 2025
The Innosprint - how can design thinking help accelerate renovation processes
Gender-inclusive mobility in cities: A critical step for equitable cities
URBACT projektom GenProcure potičemo ravnopravnost u javnoj nabavi i društvu
Първи информационен бюлетин за 2025 г. по Европейската градска инициатива и УРБАКТ
Von der ehemaligen Stasi-Zentrale zum Dritten Ort? URBACT-Local-Group-Treffen in Leipzig
Polish EU Presidency explores the urban dimension of European cohesion
7 URBACT dobrih praksi za mlade
Egalité des genres : comment La Rochelle transforme l’essai après URBACT
L@s niñ@s están bien: 7 buenas prácticas para el desarrollo urbano dirigidas a jóvenes
How agri-food changemakers are fostering sustainability and community cohesion in Rovereto: the residency programme of S4T – Station for Transformation
Demo Hub; A zoom in transforming a former public school into Affordable Housing Units
‘AHA’ Budapest; The Demo Hub has begun to create a community
URBACT Pioneers Accelerator: call for applications closes with strong interest from municipalities
From degradation to regeneration with ecoremediation: How Turku recognized the second chance provided by nature and decided to do it differently this time around
BioBlitz = (Monitoring + Awareness Raising) x Collaboration: How the Urban Biodiversity Parks Project turned biodiversity monitoring into an effective awareness raising tool to kick-off collaboration
WISH MI – Wellbeing Integrated System of Milan
WESH – We.Service.Heerlen
VILAWATT - Innovative local public-private-citizen partnership for energy governance
To-nite - Community-based urban security
PUJ - Prato Urban Jungle