
Title Thematic area
Carrying the torch: the legacy of gender-informed urban design and planning from the London 2012 Olympics
Template for monitoring EU funding sources Productive, smart and connected
Foreign direct investments guide Productive, smart and connected
Building Better Cities: Your Voice in URBACT’s Future
Self-Assessment Tool for Territorial and Local Development strategies - SAT4TER
Resilient functional areas: ideas to get you started Resilient environments
Guide on sustainable regeneration of apartment block neighbourhoods Green, Mobility, Circular Economy
Guide on street art in public spaces
Gridlab guide - framework for harvesting technology advantages to develop functional areas Energy transition, Research and Innovation, Productive, smart and connected
Guide on management models for multifunctional cultural centre Urban regeneration
Guide on European recognition for cities and regions
Guide on transforming transit spaces into destination places Urban regeneration, Green, Nature protection and biodiversity
Guide on geo-spatial and geo-statistical open-data sources Sustainable soil and land use
Methodology for Romanian first urban aesthetics survey Just and Inclusive
Methodology for urban regeneration survey Urban regeneration
Opportunities for exchange on experiences and knowledge
Guide on using opinion pools in strategic planning
Guide on how to capitalize on digital nomads Productive, smart and connected
Methodology on land suitability analysis Urban regeneration, Sustainable soil and land use
Guide on digital education economy
Guide on rethinking spaces through actions for kids Just and Inclusive, Safe and secure urban environment, Education and employment, Mobility
Guide on urban-rural linkages Productive, smart and connected, Green
Best practice compendium: Barcelona and Barcelona Metropolitan Area Urban regeneration
Guide on cycling infrastructure at the functional area level Health and well-being, Green
Na poziv programa URBACT prijavljeno 249 dobrih praksi!
Odobreno 10 URBACT mreža za prenos inovacija!
Thoughts from Oradea metropolitan area (Romania) Research and Innovation, Green
Thoughts from Cluj metropolitan area (Romania) Green, Urban regeneration
Thoughts from west Athens (Greece) Climate change mitigation, Green, Sustainable soil and land use, Social inclusion
Thoughts from West Ialomița functional area (Romania) Education and employment, Local production, Mobility