
Title Thematic area
Putting a bow on 2024: Highlights from URBACT
Wie geht Innovation für nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung? – Die fünf deutschen URBACT Good Practices 2024 im Profil
Funding the energy transition in your city: 4 key takeaways from the last EU City Lab
Final Journal - Community Awakening for Multicultural Integrative Narrative of Almería (CAMINA) Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Urban regeneration
Implementação da política europeia a nível local - o caso da contratação pública
The last achievement of CAMINA: the implementation of a “Cultural Circular Route” Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Urban regeneration
From school to co-housing in Fuenlabrada: an architecture competition to SHARE
Leveraging culture for positive urban change Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Water management
From Assessment to Action. Charting a Path for Urban Forest Restoration
What awaits you at the 2025 URBACT City Festival?
Green Minds, insight papers, case studies, and evaluations Local production, Mobility, Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity
Good conversations help start new journeys Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Water management
Podcasts: Reimagining Mechelen - A City, it's River and the Voices of Nature
URBACT Campus Deutschland: Auf dem Weg zur Umsetzung der Integrierten Handlungskonzepte
Inception report - Innovative financing schemes in European cities
URBACT Campus hits the road: Building urban capacity across Europe!
Wrapping up three EU City Labs on Local Food Systems
Join the URBACT Pioneers Accelerator! The bespoke learning programme dedicated to cities from the Western Balkans
Zoom-in #1. Beyond Architecture: Communicating a Transformative Model for Urban Innovation
Introducing SOFTacademy: Tackling the Technical and Societal Challenges of Modernist Neighbourhoods in Tallinn, Estonia
Bridging the gap: Exploring Innovative Financing Schemes in European cities
Reviving Barrios Altos: A New Vision for Lorca
Embracing Biodiversity as an Integral Building Block of Our Cities: Unveiling the background story of the Urban Biodiversity Parks Project and understanding what it sets out to achieve
OASIS, Paris, France Research and Innovation, Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Climate change mitigation
From consultations to good practices: URBACT is engaging youth to shape the future of European cities
Los socios de la red DIGI-INCLUSION firman una Declaración Política de derechos digitales en Iasi, Rumanía
16 buenas prácticas españolas premiadas de 116 URBACT Good Practices 2024
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Discover the latest 116 URBACT Good Practices!