Research and innovation in sustainable urban development involve the systematic exploration, discovery, and implementation of new knowledge, approaches, and solutions that support smarter and more productive cities. Successful research and innovation address real local needs by connecting researchers with businesses and other local stakeholders to conceive, develop, test, and upscale new ideas and successful approaches.
Resources in this section support urban practitioners in addressing key research and innovation challenges, from identifying emerging trends to developing cutting-edge technologies. Topics include social innovation, business incubation, and fostering entrepreneurial solutions to local challenges. Key initiatives involve technology business incubators, engineering innovation centers, and startup accelerators.
This section also highlights the role of startup business incubators and entrepreneur incubators in nurturing innovation. By supporting the crucial role played by IT business incubators and incubator startup companies in the innovation of research and responsible research innovation, cities enhance the creation and the development of sustainable urban environments.
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