
Our community

Join Portico’s community and connect to your peers
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Join our community!


Portico is a vibrant platform that brings together European urban practitioners and policy makers implementing sustainable urban development strategies and projects at local, regional, and national level.

Portico Community gives you the opportunity to get to know your peers from all over Europe, exchange with them about their experience with sustainable urban development solutions and improve your policy and strategy design.

Coming soon! The Portico Community and its features are being built, take part and become a member to discover the next ones.

Create an account     Portico Community rules


By joining the Portico Community, you can receive the latest knowledge based on your thematic interest in sustainable urban development, save your favourite articles and events to return to later, and register to attend an event near you.

You can also use your Portico account to register to EUI event and to contact the Portico team for any questions or concerns. As Portico Community gradually grows and more features become available, you’d be able to search for your peers to exchange with them directly and find the right person for your upcoming project.

Whether you are an urban practitioner in a small or medium sized city or an expert in a thematic subject, Portico is your gateway to connect with urban stakeholders and access practical experience and knowledge from within the field.

BETA Community – Help us shape the European community to urban learning!


Portico is gradually growing with new features coming online regularly. Portico BETA Community members refer to a smaller group of the members who work with the Portico team closely to make Portico into the user-friendly and comprehensive platform that we all love. The BETA members are given access to pre-release version of the features and with their valued feedback and identifying issues, they make Portico better.

If you like to join Portico BETA member community and help us in designing and shaping the platform, you can sign up here and you’ll be contacted by the Portico team at a later stage.