
Title Thematic area
GBG_AS2C - Blue, Green & Grey_Adapting Schools to Climate Change Research and Innovation, Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Education and employment, Water management
NextGen Microcities - Next Generation Micro Cities of Europe Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Education and employment
Home Silk Road - Housing toward empowerment Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Circular Economy, Affordable housing
Public Procurement Partnership final Action Plan
AIR-HERITAGE - Improving the environmental quality of the City of Portici: Monitoring, Modelling, and Mitigating Air Pollution through participated and efficient Policies Mobility
MILMA UIA Expert Journal – creating an open and inclusive labour market Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment
USE-IT! UIA Expert Journal – Progress continues on linking capital investments in deprived neighbourhoods with local communities Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment
TMaaS UIA Expert Journal – Learn more on how the city of Ghent aims to better manage the urban mobility system Mobility, Climate change mitigation
CitiCAP UIA Expert Journal – Learn more about the experiment with a Personal Carbon Trading scheme Mobility, Climate change mitigation
AS-FABRIK Expert Journal 3: Working on increasing the competitiveness of industry and developing new knowledge-intensive business services Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Education and employment, Urban regeneration
TUPPAC UIA Expert Journal – Learn how the use of autonomous collective transport will transform urban planning Mobility, Climate change mitigation
IGNITION - Innovative financinG aNd delIvery of naTural clImate sOlutioNs in Greater Manchester Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity
HOPE - Healthy Outdoor Premises for Everyone Mobility
GUARDIAN - Green Urban Actions for Resilient fire Defence of the Interface Area Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Education and employment, Water management
OASIS - School yards: Openness, Adaptation, Sensitisation, Innovation and Social ties: Design and transformation of local urban areas adapted to climate change, working jointly with users Research and Innovation, Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Resilient environments
P4W - Passport4Work an intersectoral skills passport with gamified skills assessment and improvement Mobility, Education and employment
CLAIRO - CLear AIR and Climate Adaptation in Ostrava and other cities Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity
Climate Adaptation FINAL Action Plan
AirQon - Air Quality through EV Battery Connectivity
Housing Partnership FINAL Action Plan Urban regeneration, Social inclusion
CALICO - Care and Living in Community Research and Innovation, Affordable housing
ICCARus (Gent knapt op) - Improving housing Conditions for CAptive Residents in Ghent Job creation and entrepreneurship, Affordable housing
Yes We Rent! - Leveraging vacant private property to build up a cooperative affordable housing scheme Research and Innovation, Energy transition, Affordable housing
Vilawatt Zoom-In: Exploring the project’s communication and stakeholders engagement strategies Job creation and entrepreneurship, Energy transition, Climate change mitigation
The difficult transition for consumers towards more sustainable practices Circular Economy, Affordable housing, Climate change mitigation, Waste management
Final Action Plan of the Urban Mobility Partnership
How to design and co-create greener cities?
B-Mincome – blog post on two of the project’s Active Social Policies Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Education and employment
“A Comprehensive Study of the new Proposals for EU funds on Asylum, Migration and Integration”
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