
Title Thematic area
WESH: looking for ways to further engage and continue Mobility, Social inclusion
CLAIRO International Conference: Building human-centric cities through promoting greening and active mobility Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Climate change mitigation
Passport for Work Zoom-in: The Skill Based Economy Mobility, Education and employment
Making sense of change, together Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Water management
Towards strategic municipal CSR procurement in Europe: lessons and inspiration from URBACT
Mapping the UIA innovation challenges with the Wish-Mi stakeholders Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment
The legacy of IGNITION: Multiple support tools making co-investment for nature-based solutions work Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Climate change mitigation
UPPER JOBS: innovative skills for employment and social inclusion Local production, Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity
Local action plans for forest bioeconomy development: a mission impossible? Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Circular Economy, Education and employment, Waste management
Ghent Knap Op Journal 3: The Seven Challenges Job creation and entrepreneurship, Affordable housing, Climate change mitigation
Culture and inclusion: URBACT cities contribute to the EU Urban Agenda Culture and cultural heritage
Which artistic expression deserves public match-funding and who can decide on it? Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment
Last UIA Antwerp Circular South Journal: Circularity as a new framework for cities Circular Economy, Affordable housing, Climate change mitigation, Waste management
COGHENT BOX: WHAT'S IT LIKE? Research and Innovation, Mobility, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Urban regeneration
Green is health Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Affordable housing
The BRISE-Vienna Project - Journal N°2 Digital transition, Mobility, Social inclusion
The entry point on cities, jobs, and Just Transitions
Viladecans Job creation and entrepreneurship, Energy transition, Climate change mitigation
Rotterdam Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Education and employment
Paris Research and Innovation, Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Climate change mitigation
Greater Manchester Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Climate change mitigation
Lappeenranta Circular Economy, Affordable housing, Education and employment, Climate change mitigation, Waste management
Eindhoven Mobility, Education and employment
Cluj Napoca Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment
Aveiro Research and Innovation, Digital transition, Mobility, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Education and employment
Amsterdam Mobility, Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Climate change mitigation, Water management
A Roadmap for cities
Skilling and Reskilling
Supporting emerging green sectors