
Title Thematic area
Walk and Roll Cities: a transformation towards people-centred streets Mobility
SPIRE Journal 2: The project moves forward Research and Innovation, Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Circular Economy, Social inclusion, Affordable housing, Urban regeneration
Actively engaging people during the pandemic: AIR-HERITAGE info points Mobility, Climate change mitigation
Two UIA projects working together to tackle urban challenges Mobility, Climate change mitigation
GAVIUS: from co-creation to technological development - interview with Enric Ruiz-Esteller Digital transition, Mobility, Social inclusion
"Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone" Social inclusion, Affordable housing, Education and employment
Prato Forest City: a tree for every citizen Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Affordable housing
Urban Jungle: Prato truly means it Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Affordable housing
Participate, prepare, accompany and carry out Social inclusion, Affordable housing, Education and employment
Prato rewards sustainable behaviours Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Affordable housing
Journal 2: Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (EPIU) Research and Innovation, Mobility, Energy transition, Social inclusion, Affordable housing
Major milestone for P4W: national skills survey complete Mobility, Education and employment
Journal N. 3 - NextGen Microcities Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Education and employment
Future of work and future of education: STEM, EdTech and the case of the NextGen Microcities project Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Education and employment
AIR BREAK Journal Nr. 1 Research and Innovation, Mobility
Upscaling with a vision - The school yard as a school Research and Innovation, Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Education and employment, Climate change mitigation, Water management
Point de CHU…T: Rap, Slam & the City for All! Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Circular Economy, Affordable housing, Urban regeneration
Passport4Work expands target group: focus groups with University students Mobility, Education and employment
Are Amsterdam’s blue-green roofs good value-for-money for the city? Applying a Total Economic Value framework to urban Nature-based Solutions Mobility, Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Climate change mitigation, Water management
Journal 2 DIACCESS project Research and Innovation, Mobility, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment
DIACCESS Zoom-in 1: Developing smart city solutions using the Innovation Partnership method: how does it work? Lessons from Växjö Research and Innovation, Mobility, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment
Last UIA TAST'in FIVES Journal: Urban labs as a new way of creating and living the city Research and Innovation, Local production, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Urban regeneration, Food systems
Zoom in 1 - Crime Victims Information Unit Mobility
The CAIRGO BIKE project Journal N° 1 Research and Innovation, Mobility, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Climate change mitigation
Journal No. 3 The “final mile” of the Climate Shelters project: communication, evaluation and replication Research and Innovation, Sustainable soil and land use, Resilient environments, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Energy transition, Education and employment, Climate change mitigation, Water management
Ghent Knapt Op: Construction during Covid-19 Job creation and entrepreneurship, Affordable housing, Climate change mitigation
CLAIRO study on behavioural changes: Mass planting for clean air is more popular than other air quality related measures Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Climate change mitigation
A greener solution is a must! The influence of diesel generators on air pollution Climate change mitigation
Cairgo Bike working on 3 Ts: Training, Testing and Trial Research and Innovation, Mobility, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Climate change mitigation
Curing the Limbo Journal #5: Adapting to Covid-19 Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Affordable housing, Education and employment