About this project
Innovative action
Looking for an Innovative Action applicant
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Description of expression of interest

Our city aims to reduce the environmental pollution (CO2 emissions) as much as possible and to achieve a high level of energy security for the population, for local institutions and organisations through the efficient use of renewable energy. As an important pillar of our urban management, we want to ensure more sustainable energy use and distribution while gradually building a complete digital city management service system.
We would like to test European best or well-prepared practices in a broad partnership and cooperation:
- to explore production and consumption data, patterns, baseline data needs and system operation needs,
- to understand the expected community benefits and outcomes.
Through the smart grid, we would like to monitor and optimize the energy consumption and thus reduce energy use and costs, with active participation of energy consumers.
Our collaborative partners are the city's civil, economic and higher education organisations, as well as a company specialising in digital development. Our Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) is an integral part of the planned development.
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