As a business and knowledge network, we are the shortest distance between relevant stakeholders in Orestad. We create and facilitate projects which further sustainability, innovation and urban development.
Strong points
- Together our members constitute large and important institutions and companies, "muscle mass is there".
- Coordination between stakeholders.
- Strong ties to the municipality.
- Locally based.
Key stakeholders
Orestad Innovation City Copenhagen :
- Secretariat
- Board
- Members
- Project leaders
- Steering group and working groups
- Networks
City strategy
As an innovation district, OICC taps into The City of Copenhagen's policies and plans, where relevant. As a new and quite large district within Copenhagen, Orestad is both representative of certain trends but also has distinct qualities, amongst them being the district with the youngest, average age and a high number of expats. It is therefore a good testing ground for various projects.
Results and impacts
- Fixed goals in OICC strategy - no. of projects engaged in, no. of members, member satisfaction measured, recognition by the municipality as frontrunner.
- RE: Concrete projects UIDL: business model for data collaborative, new projects based on obtained knowledge.
- EFL: Orestad as testing ground for model to be scaled to whole of Cph. municipality.
- BID: increased knowledge and turnover, establishment of local business partnerships.
- City Stage: Orestad as a cultural beacon, catalyst for local cultural projects, increased knowledge of and interest in Orestad.
- Communication & reach
- Transfer of knowledge
- Branding
- Long-term funding
- Framing of OICC
Enabling conditions
- Having OICC as facilitator.
- Communication.
- Bringing people together.
- Being ambitious.
Transfer tips
- Find your Unique Selling Points
- Be patient
- Find the right people
- Constantly think in connections
- Think of scale
About this resource
The European Urban Initiative is an essential tool of the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy for the 2021-2027 programming period. The initiative established by the European Union supports cities of all sizes, to build their capacity and knowledge, to support innovation and develop transferable and scalable innovative solutions to urban challenges of EU relevance.
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