Urban authorities, Regions, Member States, Partner States, EU and national city umbrella organisations, and other relevant stakeholders are invited to apply and join the new Thematic Partnerships under the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU) on Water Sensitive City and Building Decarbonisation: Integrated Renovation Programmes and Local Heating and Cooling Plans.
The Urban Agenda for the EU represents a new multi-level working method, for urban policy and practice, promoting cooperation between the European Commission, Member States, cities, and other stakeholders.
The European Commission, Member States, regions, cities, research institutions, and other private and public stakeholders.
The Urban Agenda for the EU was launched in May 2016 with the Pact of Amsterdam and reconfirmed as a valuable initiative in November 2021, with the Ljubljana Agreement. The Urban Agenda for the EU focuses specifically on three pillars of EU policymaking and implementation: better regulation, better funding and better knowledge. Furthermore, the UAEU has three objectives: 1) Realise the full potential of urban areas, 2) Establish an integrated approach and contribute to territorial cohesion, and 3) Involve urban authorities in the design of policies. The UAEU does not create new funding sources, rather, it builds on the existing frameworks. So far, 16 partnerships have been launched and two are expected to be launched in the fall of 2023. In the 2021–2027 programming period, support to the Urban Agenda for the EU is provided under the European Urban Initiative, on behalf of the European Commission.
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