Funded By
28 European countries and the European Commission under the Horizon Europe framework

The DUT partners jointly develop a European Research & Innovation strategy, implement joint calls and grants, and translate the results of the funded projects into practice. DUT engages and collaborates with urban stakeholders to share experience and expertise and co-create knowledge and good practices. 

Type of service
Capacity building/skilling
Networking and knowledge sharing
Research, development, innovation
Urban themes covered

Target audience

Researchers, city authorities and urban infrastructure providers, local civil society initiatives and communities and businesses (incl. real estate, utilities, mobility providers, service providers, IT) can apply for funding in DUT annual calls and engage in capacity building activities and strategic dialogues. DUT invites European policy makers, international networks, initiatives and other European partnerships for collaboration, joint activities and events.


Open and upcoming calls
DUT call 2023
Deadline date :

Topics of the call are related to the three DUT transition pathways: Positive Energy Districts, the 15-minute City and Circular Urban Economies.

Researchers, stakeholders from companies, public authorities, NGOs
Support :  grant
Key activities and platforms
Learn more about the partner

The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership is an intergovernmental research and innovation programme addressing key challenges of urban transitions. Our ambition is to shape and facilitate an innovation eco–system so that all urban actors can engage and benefit. With currently 67 partners from 28 countries the DUT Partnership addresses the challenges which European cities face in their endeavour to become sustainable and enhance the quality of life for their citizens. The DUT Partnership aims to contribute significantly to the European and global mission on climate-neutral cities, the European Green Deal, and the Urban Agenda for the EU by developing and implementing a transformative research and innovation (R&I) programme. In order to enhance the impact of the R&I investments or local action, a comprehensive programme is established including capacity-building measures and creating evidence with and for cities and urban actors.

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