About this project
Innovative Action description
Cross-border cities presents unique and multifaceted challenges that require collaborative and coordinated approaches among the involved nations. These cities, located at the borders of different countries, not only face the typical complexities of transitioning to more urban sustainability but also must deal with additional issues arising from their geographic location and administrative and legislative diversity.
- Innovation and Technology
- Coordination and Governance
- Infrastructure and Connectivity
- Socioeconomic Inequalities
- Environmental and Health Impacts
- Innovation and Technology
- Coordination and Governance
- Infrastructure and Connectivity
- Socioeconomic Inequalities
- Environmental and Health Impacts
This project is looking for
Partners who can contribute ideas and implementation to a joint project on cross-border cities
City size
Towns (< 50,000 inhabitants)
Regional development level of the city
Less developed regions
Transition region
More developed region
Applying to
I'm interested to apply to future calls for proposals