Urban Agenda for the EU


Adding up to our role as a point of reference for housing related EU funding our focus last year was to deliver an overview of the various forms of financial support to social housing projects in Europe. The below Briefing analyses the role of the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). In a challenging context of big structural needs and migration flows while the potential support to social housing seems to be scaling up there are still a few grey areas on which the publication sheds light. The Briefing not only presents the different loan opportunities but also provides with a number of concrete project examples per category that may be inspiring for future applications and collaborations.


Paper can be downloaded here.

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William Mejia
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Urban Agenda for the EU
Intergovernmental organisation

The Urban Agenda for the EU represents a new multi-level working method, for urban policy and practice, promoting cooperation between the European Commission, Member States, cities, and other stakeholders. 

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