Exploring the deployment of New Mobility Services (NMS)
The aim of the Action No. 8 Exploring the deployment of New Mobility Services, led by POLIS Network, was to explore through case studies the policy tools used by the PUM partners (cities, regions and national authorities) to integrate and govern new mobility services. As well, how they intend to achieve their wider policy goals with the help of these. The aim is to investigate the regulatory frameworks needed for effective integration of new mobility services in the transport offer of cities and regions.
This report is a comprehensive consolidation exploring the deployment of new mobility services, based on a review of several cases of cities/regions from a “needs and expectations” perspective to present and draw some common discussion points and recommendations.
About this resource
The Urban Agenda for the EU represents a new multi-level working method, for urban policy and practice, promoting cooperation between the European Commission, Member States, cities, and other stakeholders.
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