Urban Agenda for the EU
Gros plan d’une pile de bouteilles de déchets en plastique comprimé emballées pour le recyclage


Author : UAEU
13 items in this collection

The Circular Economy Partnership aimed to stimulate the re-use, repair, refurbishment and recycling of existing materials and products to promote new growth and job opportunities. The key focuses were waste management (turning waste into resources), the sharing economy, and resource efficiency. 

The resources displayed on this page are the results of the collaboration of the Urban Agenda for the EU thematic partnership on Circular Economy. Navigate through the resources on Portico. 

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About UAEU
Urban Agenda for the EU
Intergovernmental organisation

The Urban Agenda for the EU represents a new multi-level working method, for urban policy and practice, promoting cooperation between the European Commission, Member States, cities, and other stakeholders. 

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