Action 2 - Analysis on EU integration indicators at infra-national level
The Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on Inclusion for Migrants and Refugees has been implementing a variety of Actions, one of which focuses on facilitating evidence-based integration policies in cities. As part of this Action, an external expert recently conducted an analysis that explored the effect of national immigration and integration policies on infra-national immigration.
A previous study of the Inclusion Partnership used available EUROSTAT data to produce a dataset and analysis that identified different groups of areas (clusters) with similar characteristics. Building on the analyses from the previous report, the findings of the new analysis are a second step to showcase new available comparative data on infra-national level. It sets to make meaningful comparisons in education and labour market integration across cities and regions. The overall aim of the new analysis is to understand how EU regions (NUTS-2) differ concerning integration outcomes of migrants. Furthermore, analysis seeks to see how certain characteristics and national-level integration policies influence the migrants' integration at the regional level. An extra layer of comparison to the findings is provided and will make a distinction between two migrant groups: EU-28 migrants and non-EU-28 migrants. These two groups will be compared with each other and with natives of the reporting countries.
The Policy Report and Policy Brief provides cities and policymakers with insights on how the national policy framework is reflected in the integration outcomes of non-EU citizens in urban areas. As such, it provides evidence for adjusting Member State policies to better consider regional characteristics.
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The Urban Agenda for the EU represents a new multi-level working method, for urban policy and practice, promoting cooperation between the European Commission, Member States, cities, and other stakeholders.
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