
Title Thematic area
Affordable Housing for All - Inclusive, Attractive and Sustainable Solutions for Housing and Energy Affordability
Regenerative Local Actions for Urban Challenges to Wellness and Innovation
The Place for Arts-Driven Blue Innovation
Urban Biodiversity Parks as co-creative platforms for enhancing biodiversity, learning and community involvement in urban ecological regeneration
Time-based Innovative Measures and Experimentations to ADAPT our cities to climate change
Nature-based Urban Regeneration through Water: Integrating the water cycle in urban renaturalization
Air Quality Climate change mitigation, Health and well-being
Housing Affordable housing
Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Social inclusion
Urban Poverty Social inclusion
Jobs and skills in the local economy Job creation and entrepreneurship, Education and employment
Circular Economy Circular Economy
Digital Transition Digital transition
Urban Mobility Mobility
Climate Adaptation Climate adaptation, Green
Energy Transition Energy transition
Public Procurement
Sustainable Land Use Nature protection and biodiversity
Security in Public Spaces Safe and secure urban environment
Culture and Cultural Heritage Culture and cultural heritage
Prescribed burning in GUARDIAN project: what could have been but never was… Sustainable soil and land use, Climate adaptation, Nature protection and biodiversity, Education and employment, Climate change mitigation, Water management
Tailor-made solutions to tackle energy poverty through household renovation: the case of EPIU Research and Innovation, Mobility, Energy transition, Social inclusion, Affordable housing
CAMINA has been implementing the activity of “Civic Curators”! Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Urban regeneration
Common S.T.E.P.S.: Walking away from loneliness Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Social inclusion, Urban regeneration
Urban-rural agenda of Cuenca: the way forward to 2030 Research and Innovation, Job creation and entrepreneurship, Circular Economy, Education and employment, Waste management
A study visit in Torino- zoom in #2 Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Education and employment, Water management
Zoom In 2: First experiences from living together in the home and care house Research and Innovation, Social inclusion, Affordable housing, Education and employment
Take Away: Kochi Messina – Development of Flood Module for Kochi Urban regeneration
Integrated Shoreline Management in the Lake Balaton Functional Region Climate adaptation, Sustainable tourism, Nature protection and biodiversity