Urban Agenda for the EU
Final Action Plan Urban Mobility Partnership
(540.31 KB - PDF)

The Partnership on Urban Mobility is pleased to present its final Action Plan. The nine Actions aim at facilitating a joint effort for more sustainable and efficient urban mobility. 

The Actions have been elaborated within four working groups:

  • governance and planning
  • public transport (including clean buses) and accessibility
  • active modes of transport and public space
  • new mobility services and innovation

The Partnership also outlines cross-cutting issues and links with the New Urban Agenda/the Sustainable Development Goals and other Partnerships. A Joint Statement of Political and Leading Representatives is attached to the Action Plan.

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Lea Scheurer
About UAEU
Urban Agenda for the EU
Intergovernmental organisation

The Urban Agenda for the EU represents a new multi-level working method, for urban policy and practice, promoting cooperation between the European Commission, Member States, cities, and other stakeholders. 

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