Policy challenge related to the design and implementation of Sustainable Urban Development within Cohesion Policy.
We offer a comprehensive overview of all knowledge related to sustainable urban development available on Portico that is relevant to your country
Nationaal stedenbeleid
In België wordt het stedenbeleid uitgevoerd door verschillende instanties.
Vlaamse steden kunnen meer details vinden op de website van de Vlaamse overheid: https://www.vlaanderen.be/stedenbeleid
Waalse steden zijn afhankelijk van het beleid van de Waalse regering. Zie de link voor meer informatie: Departement Ruimtelijke Ordening en Stedelijke Ontwikkeling
Voor Brussel werd een specifiek beleid goedgekeurd in 2023. Meer informatie vindt u hier: https://www.brussel.be/bxl2050
Politique urbaine nationale
En Belgique, la politique urbaine durable est mise en œuvre par diverses entités.
Les villes flamandes peuvent trouver des détails sur la politique flamande à l'adresse suivante: https://www.vlaanderen.be/stedenbeleid
Les villes wallonnes dépendent de la politique élaborée par le gouvernement wallon: Département de l'Aménagement du territoire et de l'Urbanisme
Pour Bruxelles, une politique spécifique a été adoptée en 2023. Plus d'informations sont disponibles ici: https://www.brussel.be/bxl2050
Open calls
These EU-wide calls are likely to pique the interest of individuals involved in sustainable urban development. They have the potential to engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders, ranging from local to international levels, and including both private and public entities.
Urban authorities, Regions, Member States, Partner States, EU and national city umbrella organisations, and other relevant stakeholders are invited to apply and join the new Thematic Partnerships under the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU) on Water Sensitive City and Building Decarbonisation: Integrated Renovation Programmes and Local Heating and Cooling Plans.
The autumn call for Peer Reviews is open until 13 November 2024 at 12:00 CET. Cities, this is your chance to improve your strategies, learn new skills and build lasting European connections. This call is open to all EU cities looking to discuss Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) strategies.
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Knowledge and practices (127)
A selection of tools, methods and guidance to improve your knowledge and skills on urban topics.

Country community (186)
All Portico members, their thematic interests and their goals
Contact Points
We provide coherent information and support to urban actors at local, regional and national levels. Reach out to tap into our expertise, guidance, and personalised assistance, enriching your experience and deepening your connection with our platform. Let's connect!
Key national services
The following national services can assist you in developing and implementing your sustainable urban development plans. Be sure to check them out or contact the Urban Contact Point in your country if you need guidance in exploring these services.
UCPs can provide you with coherent information about the EUI offer in your national language.
Go to EUI websiteNUPs can provide you with coherent information about the URBACT offer in your national language.
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