The negative consequences of the financialisation of housing can be felt first and foremost on a local level, in the urban housing markets. Thus the crucial questions are: what are local municipalities doing? Or to what extent can the growing problem of affordable housing be handled on a local level?

The differences between European cities are even larger than between countries – depending on political colours, cities within the same country might have totally different answers to the same challenges.   Here is a short overview of positive examples, i.e. cases where cities achieved success to mitigate or prevent the problems on the housing market – either through subtracting land out of the property market (i.e. limiting speculation) or through creating additional resources to make housing affordable. The sources of the information are international meetings and the very informative book of Patti-Polyák (2017).   Community-led housing models   According to Patti-Polyák a diversity of community ...

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Written by an URBACT Stakeholder

URBACT is a European Territorial Cooperation programme that enables the cooperation of European cities within thematic networks since 2002. The programme also provides capacity-building activities and tools, and shares knowledge and good practices to city representatives and urban practitioners.

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