Laura Colini, URBACT programme expert gives an overview of the URBACT City Lab for Cities Fighting Homelessness, which was done in collaboration with FEANTSA and the Mairie de Paris.


Inaccessible, inadequate, unaffordable, undignified, insecure or absent housing are conditions feeding the downward spiral of individual and societal deprivation. In Europe such conditions affect a growing number of people in different ways. Public authorities carry responsibility for dealing with a problem, not due to individual circumstances but rather a lack of housing, welfare failures and predatory market-oriented practices.   Housing NOT for all   According to Eurostat, 82mil people are affected by the housing overburden rate, meaning they spend over 40% of their disposal income on housing costs. House prices are rising throughout Europe, whereas incomes are mostly stagnating. Meanwhile homelessness is on the ...

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Written by an URBACT Stakeholder

URBACT is a European Territorial Cooperation programme that enables the cooperation of European cities within thematic networks since 2002. The programme also provides capacity-building activities and tools, and shares knowledge and good practices to city representatives and urban practitioners.

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