The City of Celje is participating in the URBACT network Cities@Heart in which partner cities tackle challenges related to revitalising city centres. During our visits to Celje we learned that they have taken a holistic approach to revitalising the city centre and have been implementing a range of measures to this end for years. We have compiled the most interesting ones in the list below.

1. Active city centre managementCelje started to develop city centre management in 2012, when it recruited a city manager in the mayor's office. In 2015, they adopted the Celje City Centre Development Strategy. It is implemented through a number of events, campaigns and festivals in the city centre to promote and connect local businesses and organisations. In 2017, the management of the city centre was taken over by the Celeia Celje Institute for Cultural Events and Tourism. Most of the activities to revitalise the town centre are now carried out in cooperation between the municipality and the Celeia Institute. 2. Closing streets for cars and opening them for peopleOne of city's priorities is to limit car access in the city centre and ...

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URBACT is a European Territorial Cooperation programme that enables the cooperation of European cities within thematic networks since 2002. The programme also provides capacity-building activities and tools, and shares knowledge and good practices to city representatives and urban practitioners.

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