USE-IT! Journal 4
Interim results, lessons learnt and further actions needed.

UIA Expert Nils Scheffler focuses on the “presentation of interim results, lessons learnt and further actions needed to ensure the long-term success of the project. Because after 2 years of project implementation, the project has become well-rehearsed and new challenges only arise very sporadically. Results and the legacy of the USE-IT! project become clearer and more visible for the main elements, which are:

-    Identifying and mapping local skills and assets 
-    Matching job skills in the community with job opportunities
-    Creating a community of social enterprises

Look at the details in Journal 4!

About this resource

Nils Scheffler, UIA Expert
Birmingham, United Kingdom
About UIA
Urban Innovative Actions
#SCEWC24 treasure hunt:
Reach the next level --> explore this page and find the button "Climate Adaptation", hidden in the "Green" part.

Then, you have to find an "Urban practice" located in Paris. 


The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.

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