TMaaS web article No 5 - The TMaaS products

This web article aims to provide a quick overview of the innovative solutions developed by the TMaaS project, aiming to assist travelers and traffic managers in the more efficient execution and management of daily travel in cities.

TMaaS Dashboard

The TMaaS Dashboard, and its various modules, provide access to all mobility data of a city through a single location, allowing the provision of the complete mobility picture of a city and support for smarter decisions making. Most TMaaS solutions are data driven and can be configured using the locally available data.


TMaaS Traffic Information

TMaaS Traffic Information shows the common operational picture of real-time traffic events (incidents, accidents, roadworks, etc.) based on data provided by parties within and outside the TMaaS partnership (TomTom, Be-Mobile, Waze).


TMaaS Trigger Activator

TMaaS continuously monitors traffic conditions and user preferences. Whenever the combination of traffic information and user preferences requires a calculation of alternative routes and means of transport, the TMaaS engine sends a trigger to the ‘Alternatives Calculator’ to request useful travel alternatives for this user.


TMaaS Alternatives Calculator

The multimodal route planning function in the Alternatives Calculator combines different modes of transport for one single journey. The TMaaS Alternatives Calculator calculates relevant travel alternatives for drivers, users of public transport (allowing for timetables and location of public transport points), pedestrians and cyclists, based on real-time traffic conditions. When determining suitable travel alternatives, user preferences are accounted for.


TMaaS Map Viewer

The TMaaS Map Viewer allows to view maps and zooming in on map details. Users can see map details, switch layers on and off and zoom in on details. They can also view additional pieces of information about different elements on the map, such as the description and the update rate of the data and a link to more detailed information. Users can find locations by entering the addresses in the ‘find location’ box. The TMaaS Map Viewer can be used as a stand-alone feature or can be integrated into the TMaaS Dashboard.

TMaaS Fleet Viewer

The TMaaS Fleet Viewer tracks the real-time position of public transport vehicles, shuttle buses, etc. The module visualises moving vehicles on a map, using data generated by in-vehicle GPS trackers.


TMaaS Route Monitor

Operators can monitor multiple road segments over longer (indefinite) periods of time, including also historical analyses.

TMaaS Notifier

This service, that is powered by the TMaaS Trigger Activator and the multimodal TMaaS Alternatives Calculator, acts as a pre-trip alert system to make journeys through the city smarter and faster. Alerts are sent to users by email, text or in-browser notifications and are tailored to the users’ own personal travel preferences. Additionally, in the event of rare incidents that have a significant impact on mobility, general alerts can be published to all users at once.


TMaaS Data Editor

When operators receive information on traffic events from citizens through the two-way communication channel or from other sources, they should be able to insert this information into the dashboard. (Planned) road works or road closures and corresponding detours can also be inserted into the Dashboard. It can be entered into the TMaaS platform as a new data source, so that other system components (e.g. route planner, notifier, real-time traffic events, etc.) can utilize this information as well.

About this resource

Evangelos Mitsakis, UIA Expert
Ghent, Belgium
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