Building on the knowledge generated by the 86 UIA ongoing projects, the Initiative is leading, together with its partners and UIA cities, two thematic activities on housing and urban mobility.

In this article, we provide you with an update about the latest events and findings on innovation and mobility; and European cities engaging in the right to housing.

Innovation in Urban Mobility in the 2020s

The report is out! Read it here

The UIA Urban Mobility journey began February 2020 together with UIA mobility cities Albertslund, Lahti, Ghent, Toulouse, Szeged, exploring the innovation concepts applied to urban mobility challenges; and seeking to understand whether the sole deployment of unprecedented technological advances is able to address mobility issues related to the increasing urbanization and urban resilience challenges. The activity included 3 workshops in which UIA projects looked into how and what kind of innovation is necessary today for achieving a smarter, greener and more integrated urban transport of people and goods.

The three main subtopics that have been leading the discussions are:

  • Data: the first capitalisation workshop addressed data aspects in Urban Mobility, and discussed how UIA projects deal with data as a resource to support sustainable mobility strategies. Get a first flavour of the final report on data here
  • Collaboration and governance: UIA cities met for the second time in July to discuss about Collaboration & Governance challenges. Get an overview of the first results and findings of this workshop in the article summarizing contents of the final report here
  • Behaviour change:  UIA cities met for the third time in September to discuss about changing travel behaviour.

Read the final and full report to gain insights on innovative experiences and practices for urban mobility here. Stay tuned for more info on UIA social media accounts and on the UIA Knowledge Lab that also gathers all publications of UIA experts about urban mobility.

Cities engaging in the right to housing

Since January 2020, UIA and URBACT have been exploring how cities can design housing policies and practical solutions to implement the right to housing. Coordinated by Laura Colini (UIA and Urbact Expert), the activity builds on UIA and URBACT city experiences and knowledge to explore innovative solutions and push further the agenda on the right to housing EU wide on 3 specific topics:

As the series of web conferences has now ended, reaching a great success and much interest across European institutions, initiatives, associations and cities, the first semester of 2021 is dedicated to collecting the knowledge generated by the activity and disseminate it widely. To achieve this, UIA & URBACT are building a common platform bringing together the main lessons learned across 2020, more insights on projects and initiatives on which we built the activity.

Join the sharing event on 22 April 2021 as we launch the platform and discuss housing policies at urban level ! Stay tuned for more info here and on UIA social media accounts. To get all updates on housing matters, feel free to subscribe to the UIA newsletter and newsflash (tick the housing topic).

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UIA Permanent Secretariat
About UIA
Urban Innovative Actions
The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.
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