Madrid Journal
In his 3rd Journal of the MARES project, UIA Expert Alessandro Coppola takes his readers in a journey of how Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) works in practice in the city of Madrid. Alessandro sheds light on how MARES fits in the greater strategy framework of the city’s administration for alleviating economic inequalities by revitalizing abandoned or disused common areas and reinventing the city’s economic fabric in key sectors.

In this journey, we will get acquainted with the ambitious plan of Madrid to increase the qualitative and quantitative relevance of SSE in the local economy; we will learn about the formation of 240 economic initiatives taken under the project’s wings; we will hear about mixed and secondary cooperatives; and we will almost have a hands-on experience with the workings of the newly opened MAR Energy!

In the end, Alessandro takes a deep dive in the looming challenges and opportunities of MARES that will soon come to the forefront. These resolve around the need to look in the long-term policy sustainability, build a social market in the city, align project economic initiatives with other forms of governmental and social support and fabricate the project’s dimensions both at local and sectorial level.  

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Alessandro Coppola, UIA Expert
Madrid, Spain
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Urban Innovative Actions
The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.
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