CURANT Expert Journal: Get an update on what has been happening in the last 6 months
In his 5th journal of CURANT, UIA expert Fabio Sgaragli discusses about the legacy of the project and the concrete things that stay behind - for the city, its citizens and the target group, but also for potential replicator cities. First and foremost, it is more than clear that interventions on human beings are far from the possibility to be objectivised and replicated in a standard way, as the outcome of the intervention depends as much from the internal condition of the beneficiary. One important understanding emerges from this great experiment: that integration is essentially a two-way process, and that single interventions, no matter how powerful, are limited in their effectiveness if they are not part of a larger supportive ecosystem.

As the CURANT project is now closed, you will read how Fabio and the project reflect on this experience – a tiring and rewarding 3 year run, and how the future beyond the project could look like. The journal illustrates some of the findings of the project and puts on paper some lessons learned. 
All in all, in Fabio’s words, CURANT’S brave and integrated approach has generated a positive outcome, it has demonstrated that it is possible to offer an effective path to integration in society to the most fragile people of all: unaccompanied young refugees. Read through to see how this was achieved!

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Fabio Sgaragli, UIA Expert
Antwerp, Belgium
About UIA
Urban Innovative Actions

The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.

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