housing is a human right
Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT are joining forces to push the right to housing

Register to the final event 


Throughout 2020, UIA and URBACT will be exploring how cities can design housing policies and practical solutions to implement the right to housing, together with Antwerp (BE), Athens (EL), Barcelona (ES), Brussels Capital Region (BE), Budapest (HU), Chemnitz (DE), Ghent (BE), Lyon Metropole (FR), Mataró (ES), Nantes (FR) and Thessaloniki (EL).

We will be collecting stories and concrete examples from European cities already implementing the right to housing that others can take inspiration from.

Three questions are leading this work:

  • What are the most innovative practices at city level concretely delivering the right to housing?
  • What can cities do to ensure that everyone – particularly the most disadvantaged groups - have access to safe, adequate and affordable housing?
  • How can the EU and member States create an enabling environment for cities to innovate?

The ultimate goal is to push the agenda on the right to housing EU wide and to further enrich the work done by the EU Urban Agenda.

The launch of the joint initiative happened during the Cities Forum on 31 January 2020. Experimenting new housing models and governance structures; designing strategies for those locked out of the housing market; and implementing anti-speculation measures were the main traits emerging from the debates with regard to the role of municipalities – read more in the article written by Laura Colini, Programme Expert coordinating the activity.

Web conference #1 on how can cities build alternative community-led housing models (introductory paper) gathered 300 participants from everywhere in Europe and beyond. A range of experts, activists and elected representative shared their thoughts and experiences on co-led and collaborative housing.

You can read the reporting article and watch again the web conference on the event web page.

Web conference #2 gathered above 150 participants from everywhere in Europe and beyond. The online event offered a sneak preview of 2020 Report on Housing Exclusion in Europe, co-written by FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre and featured city cases that directly tackle housing exclusion and discrimination, providing a practical response on the ground. It also looked at opportunities at EU level to invest in the provision of adequate housing.

You can read the reporting article and watch again the web conference on the event web page.

Web conference #3 gathered above 150 participants. The web conference featured UIA and URBACT city cases that are experimenting finance solutions towards the provision of adequate housing. The discussion led to debate the role of urban authorities, national and EU levels in enabling housing fair finance, considering as well the potentialities of the EU recovery package.

You can read the reporting article and watch again the web conference on the event web page.


Join our webinar series


A series of webinars and more digital outputs are planned on the following themes:


Save-the-date for our webinars

Community-led practices: shared ownership, CLT, co-housing, cooperative housing, remunicipalisation of housing

24 April 2020

Click on the event web page for further information

No one left behind: addressing specific issues of accessibility to adequate housing by vulnerable groups


26 June 2020

Click on the event web page for further information

Fair finance: municipal strategies protecting housing from speculation (e.g. provision of social rent, rent regulation, reuse of vacant building, short term rental regulation)


19 November 2020

Click on the event web page for further information


Register your interest


Beyond the cities working with UIA and URBACT on this topic, the success of this capitalisation activity relies on the contribution of key stakeholders representing housing practitioners, administrations,  EU wide organisations, academia and civil society initiatives. 

To receive more information and get involved in this knowledge activity, click here

To register to the web conferences, please click in the respective registration link in the table above.

If you have any questions, you can contact:

Ophélie Tainguy, UIA coordinator: o.tainguy@uia-initiative.eu  

Alice Fauvel, URBACT coordinator: a.fauvel@uia-initiative.eu

Laura Colini, UIA-URBACT expert coordinator: laura.colini@gmail.com

And explore the UIA knowledge Lab and the housing web page to find out more about the topic and UIA projects.

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UIA Permanent Secretariat
Lyon Metropole, France
About UIA
Urban Innovative Actions

The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.

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