A Circular Europe with EU cities: new EU action plan and UIA bold approaches
The new circular economy action plan put the cities at the core of EU’s intentions. UIA projects tackle the challenge of circular waste with innovative solutions.

The New circular economy action plan of the European Commission came out last month and confirms the objective of halving municipal waste by 2030, putting the cities at the core of EU’s intentions. The key role of cities for implementing this plan is reinforced with the mention to the future European Urban Initiative as instrument providing key assistance to cities on circular economy.
EU cities are already frontrunners on circular approaches as the 6 UIA projects demonstrate. One example is Maribor which tackles the challenge of city’s waste by transforming it into a recycled, standardised and certified soil later used for food production, parks or buildings. They already launched community gardens and a prototype of their service platform. Look at UIA expert Daniela Patti’s journal for further knowledge on that particular project. You can find the latest issues of the Journals produced by UIA Experts supporting the 8 projects working on Circular Economy on the UIA Knowledge Lab.
UIA call 5 for projects will select new projects on this topic, focusing on plastics and water management. Results of the selection in July, stay tune to discover the new innovative solutions to be implemented by EU cities.

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Urban Innovative Actions

The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.

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