In a New European Bauhaus demonstrator, the City of Mechelen is taking a groundbreaking approach to reconnect its inhabitants—humans, animals, and plants—to the water. As part of the Innovative Action “Water as the Source of Urban Public Spaces” (WATSUPS) funded by the European Urban Initiative, over 3.5 years, Mechelen has been redeveloping its public spaces along the River Dijle and ensuring that all needs and requirements are heard. 

Listen to the two episode of the Cities Reimagined Podcast to find out how to transformations done in cities and what it requires to include the voices of everyone in the process, human and more-than-human.


Reimagining Mechelen Pt. 1 - Water as the Source of Urban Public Space with Nicole La Iacona

Have you ever wondered how to give nature a voice in urban development? The City of Mechelen in Belgium does exactly that while reimagining the connection between water, public spaces, animals, plants and people. In two episodes of the Cities Reimagined Podcast we zoom in to reshape your understanding of how the interests of more-than-human inhabitants can be taken up in urban transformation projects. 

Listen to the episode on your favorite podcasting platform: 

Cities Reimagined Podcast - Reimagine Mechelen - Key Messages

Reimagining Mechelen Pt. 2 - Nature as a Stakeholder in the Revival of the River Dijle with Mark Van der Veken

This is part 2 of our trip to Mechelen in Belgium to find out how to give nature a voice in urban development. 🌱 The City of Mechelen in Belgium 🇧🇪 is reimagining the connection between water, public spaces, animals, plants, and people.

Listen to the episode on your favourite podcasting platform: 

Cities Reimagined Podcast - Reimagine Mechelen pt2

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Johannes Riegler
About EUI
European Urban Initiative

The European Urban Initiative is an essential tool of the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy for the 2021-2027 programming period. The initiative established by the European Union supports cities of all sizes, to build their capacity and knowledge, to support innovation and develop transferable and scalable innovative solutions to urban challenges of EU relevance.

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