Building your funding strategy - a participatory approach to territorial diagnostics and opportunity mapping
- Elaboration of the Implementation of Schaerbeek Strategy on EU funds: Diagnosis of 2 years and approval of city board
- Implementation of Schaerbeek Strategy on EU funds on 4 methodology axis: call monitoring; network; visibility and capacity building + Dedicated budget resources
Strong points
- Annual reports to the city Board.
- Cross-departmental civil servants participations and targeted local stakholders.
- Dedicated external support for project application submission.
Key stakeholders
- EU networks (EnergyCities; Polis, ICLEI).
- Civil servants as project managers.
- Human resources (tranings). Administration hierarchy and politcal pepresentatives. Key local stakeholder.
- Regional government.
- Association representing local authorities in Brussels capital region (Brulocalis).
City strategy
- Direct link to the Schaerbeek political mandate 2019-24 to support municipality priority actions.
- Local thematic priorities identified as direct result of the territorial diagnostic.
Results and impacts
- Civil servants participations->17 people in 2 years 2022-2023 (Turin, Rotterdam, Kozani, Stockholm, Modène, Vienne, Leuven).
- Joined 4 EU networks (Polis-EnergyCities-ICLEI & ICLEI Procura+).
- 7 projects (URBACT MSM; IncluCities; Prospect+; EUCF D-Click; SchoolFood4Change; City to Ciy Exchange; EIT Go AERSCHOT! since 2019) + 18 grants applications submitted since 2019.
- 3 training programs organsied between 2022-2024.
- Ensure the link between EU opportunity and limited administration resources.
- Cofinancing and Budget Constraints.
- Mantaining level of engagement.
- Demistifying EU project applicaiton processes.
Enabling conditions
- Political and Administrative Support.
- One dedicated person in charge of strategy implementation.
- Weekly and steady progress of the strategy implementation with Line Manager.
- Dedicated budget (travelling, networks etc.).
- Added value of project for the administration and the project managers.
Transfer Tips
- Start from enabling conditions.
- Weekly and steady progress of the strategy implementation with line manager.
- Make sure there is alignment between project idea and workload of project managers.
- Look for ambassadors.
- Reiterative process.
- Baby steps (and patience!).
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