
The UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Urban Development and its thematic Working Groups, brings together UfM government representatives, key regional and international partner organisations and international financial institutions, as well as the key experts and stakeholders from both the public and private sectors.

It is aimed at exchanging views on how to better implement the UfM Urban Agenda adopted at the Second UfM Ministerial Conference on Sustainable Urban Development, which took place in Cairo on 21 and 22 May 2017, through a well-structured multi-stakeholder framework for dialogue and technical cooperation, that will give a new impetus to regional dialogue and cooperation on urban development in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with a view to fostering sustainable urbanization.

Centered on the action-oriented UfM Urban Agenda, it will contribute to translating political decisions into concrete actions with tangible impacts on the region’s citizens and to the advancement of the global agenda, and thereby to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Back-to-back with the UfM Regional Platform, the UfM Secretariat will organise the UfM-IFIs Urban Project Committee. This meeting is aimed at exchanging views with the IFIs and key partners of the UfM region on the funding of the labelled and potential projects for future labelling in the field of urban development, particularly by exploring innovative coordinated financing approaches and mechanisms, as well as cooperative multi-donor strategies and partnerships at regional level.

Type of service
Capacity building/skilling
Data and knowledge production
Networking and knowledge sharing
Research, development, innovation
Urban themes covered

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The UfM’s goal is to enhance regional cooperation, dialogue and the implementation of concrete projects and initiatives with tangible impact on our citizens

The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together 43 countries to strengthen regional cooperation and dialogue through specific projects and initiatives that address inclusive and sustainable development, stability and integration in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

As a direct continuation of the Barcelona Process, the launch of the UfM in 2008 was the reflection of its member states’ shared political commitment to enhance the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.

The UfM has consolidated an action-driven methodology that creates effective links between policies and tangible projects and initiatives to adequately address the region’s challenges and its key interrelated priorities.

This methodology is composed of three things: policy frameworks, dialogue platforms and regional projects – the “3 Ps”.



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