The Joint Research Center – Territorial development unit supports the territorial articulation of the EU policy agenda, its external investment and global outreach. Our aim is to deliver world-class science-for-policy support to bring Europe closer to citizens and places, turning territorial diversity into value.
Local and Managing authorities.
The Joint Research Center – Territorial development unit (B3) supports the territorial articulation of the EU policy agenda, its external investment and global outreach. Our aim is to deliver world-class science-for-policy support to bring Europe closer to citizens and places, turning territorial diversity into value.
We aim at strengthening the EU global role in putting forward place-based solutions for recovery and sustainability and localising global agendas, bringing back to Europe what we learn from outside.
We build on a unique combination of knowledge, data, methods, analytical and modelling tools as well as extensive links to urban, local, rural, regional, national and international stakeholders, authorities and communities.
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