
With Eurocities, it’s all in our name: we connect Europe and cities. We are convinced that this connection leads to a better life for all. Founded in 1986, our network brings together the local governments of more than 200 cities in 38 European countries, representing 130 million people.

Type of service
Capacity building/skilling
Data and knowledge production
Multi-level governance support
Networking and knowledge sharing
Research, development, innovation
Urban themes covered
Target audience

Membership of Eurocities is open to any European city with a population of 250,000 or more. Cities within the European Union become full members, and other European cities become associate members. Local authorities of smaller cities, but with a population of more than 50,000 can become partners. Companies and businesses can become associated business partners. We work with our member cities but are increasingly working towards building partnerships with other NGOs, interest groups, researchers, and industry actors.

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Climate change affects us all and change is inevitable. Cities are leaders in the transformation of the way we work and live. Mission Cities are embarking on an ambitious journey to become the first 112 cities to reach climate-neutrality by 2030. Only a new type of collective effort will be up to the task: a transformative approach accelerating decarbonisation.

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