About this challenge
Halsnæs Municipality
City to City exchange
This challenge is closed

Challenge description

The starting point for Halsnæs Municipality is very favourable for both settlement and tourism. The towns of Frederiksværk and Hundested have a strategically advantageous location in Denmark on the periphery of the capital region, with links to Odsherred and in the hinterland of Hillerød, which has considerable potential.

However, the demographic development in Halsnæs is negative, and tourism is today, and will be even more so in the future, crucial to the area's development and survival both as a settlement and business area. The area is currently not geared towards current and future tourism in terms of infrastructure, experience or capacity. Life in the city centres is thus under pressure. It will require a dedicated effort to exploit the special potential for strategic development with a focus on creating a more experience-based and cohesive city centre.

Vibrant city centres
The town centres in Frederiksværk and Hundested are shrinking both physically and in terms of content, and are struggling to attract visitors. Retail in Halsnæs is under pressure. This is partly due to the fact that a large proportion of the stores are not part of a chain, consumers' changing buying patterns and competition from larger shopping towns in neighbouring municipalities. In addition, city centres are greatly affected by the fact that the tourist season is concentrated around July and August.

Coastal tourism
Halsnæs Municipality is currently working to develop Frederiksværk and Hundested, including a stronger link between the town centre and the harbour, development of new residential areas and securing opportunities for outdoor tourism in and around the coastal towns. This requires local unity and the staging of a collaborative process that dares to take a step towards making Halsnæs a more attractive place to live and visit, not just in words but also in actions.

This city is looking for

Vibrant city centres:
Are there any cities that are working innovatively/differently to develop and support vibrant city centres, where, for example, methods and tools have been used or processes implemented that can inspire new and expanded practices? (e.g. planning framework, cultural events, public spaces and green areas, retail and gastronomy, housing and mixed use, traffic and accessibility, citizen involvement and volunteer programmes, technological solutions)

Coastal tourism:
Are there cities that work innovatively/differently with the development and support of coastal tourism, where, for example, methods and tools have been used or processes implemented that can inspire new and expanded practices? (e.g. planning frameworks, development of beach and water sports activities, improvement of beach facilities, cultural and entertainment activities, gastronomic experiences, tourist-friendly infrastructure, development of environmental initiatives, advertising and marketing, activities for the whole family)
City size

Towns (< 50,000 inhabitants)
