In the occasion of the CITIES FORUM, let’s take a closer look at the hosting city and its URBACT story.

During the past days urban practitioners, decision-makers and institutions’ representatives across Europe have been on the road to Torino (IT). After three eventful years, the CITIES FORUM is finally back in its 5th edition. Organised by the European Commission, the event will mark the official launch of the European Urban Initiative and expectations could not be higher among all participants. What some might not be aware though is that Torino has an emblematic journey as to EU territorial cooperation, with an URBACT Action Planning Network as a turning point for the city.   With the current open call for URBACT Networks, the most recent results from the Integrated Action Plans’ study and the CITIES FORUM taking place, there’s no ...

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Written by an URBACT Stakeholder

URBACT is a European Territorial Cooperation programme that enables the cooperation of European cities within thematic networks since 2002. The programme also provides capacity-building activities and tools, and shares knowledge and good practices to city representatives and urban practitioners.

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