
Author : UIA
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Urban infra revolution (UIR) project was looking for the solutions how to reduce CO2-emissions in urban construction development. At the same time, it tested a new technology to boost city architecture and give tools to create cities where people love to live and enjoy urban city culture. Production of cement produces 7 % of the global CO2 emissions. As an innovative result of the project, biofibre-reinforced geocomposites are available, which allow total recyclability and material reuse. This local industrial sidestream (ashes, green liquor dregs, tailings, construction waste) based high-value novel geocomposite material helps in replacing the need of cement and steel in construction industry. Automated, on-site, fast and versatile additive manufacturing construction system was tested in comprehensive urban scale. The material and the piloted technology are multifunctional and enabled aesthetic design with revolutionary shapes with very low CO2 emissions. The new concept is applicable in European and Nordic weather conditions. City of Lappeenranta hopes that urban infra revolution will open new opportunities for the construction sector and European cities will be able to act as the global forerunners of sustainability.

During its implementation, the UIA project has capitalised on its experience so that it can be shared with peers. The outputs displayed on this page are the result of this process.

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Lappeenranta, Finland Small sized cities (50k > 250k)
About UIA
Urban Innovative Actions
The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.
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