The U-RLP project focus was to capitalise asylum seeker’s entrepreneurial skills. Starting before asylum status was granted, the activities of the “launch pad” enhanced the entrepreneurial skills of the refugees who will remain in the Netherlands but also of those who will return to their country of origin. Within an existing emergency shelter, the project combined community housing, learning activities as well as incubator and work spaces. Targeting the asylum seekers but also local young NEETs (not in Education, Employment or Training), who represent 20% of the neighbourhood population, the project established bridges within the community. International entrepreneurship training, business language courses, peer to peer coaching and internships in local businesses was offered to target groups. Special attention was given to post traumatic stress with the experimentation of innovative tools to reframe refugees’ broken narratives, encouraging resilience, and building confidence for entrepreneurship.
During its implementation, the UIA project has capitalised on its experience so that it can be shared with peers. The outputs displayed on this page are the result of this process.