
Author : UIA
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SPIRE will start in Baia Mare a long-term redevelopment through the co-development of new adaptive and productive landscapes, integrated into a circular ecosystem of cascading material and energy value chains. 
SPIRE will activate a critical mass of stakeholders and open a Hub in the city centre for co-design and mentoring activities. A GIS Dynamic Atlas and a Remediation Toolkit will be developed to support co-design and implementation processes for renaturing and phytoremediation of the 7.15 ha pilot sites. An innovative iLEU local digital token system will reward civic environmental behaviour, involvement and eco-entrepreneurship.
SPIRE will develop a bio-based circular ecosystem in Baia Mare, using the Hub to co-create final designs of the landscape and phytoremediation pilots, and implementing these actions in 5 very different locations. Biomass yields of the renaturalisation actions will be used in two cascading value chains: 1) to produce energy for a public building, and 2) in carbon-neutral experimental materials with construction / industrial applications, co-developed with young entrepreneurs who will be mentored in the SPIRE Hub. iLEU will incentivize further adoption of NBS at local level. 
Finally, a Life Cycle Assessment will evaluate the SPIRE value chains, and a co-designed Metropolitan 2050 strategy will upscale the approach.

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Baia Mare, Romania Small sized cities (50k > 250k)
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Urban Innovative Actions
The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.
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