
Author : UIA
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The solution proposed is based on new forms of active participation of the citizens - including the more underprivileged - in the regeneration of their neighbourhood. Three types of activities will be tested.
1.    Nature-based trainings
This training addresses the lack of knowledge to manage new green spaces, including native species and the preservation of biodiversity. In addition to training municipal agents, around 10 recipients of the social integration income will benefit from a training as an opportunity to develop niche jobs related to sustainable nature management has been identified. General public will also have the opportunity to take part to green management workshops in order to develop a greener sensibility among the inhabitants.
2. Development of soft-skills based on the design of parks and other public areas
An alternative approach is proposed to reduce incivility. A comprehensive psychosocial diagnostic of the neighbourhood will be conducted in parallel of an inclusive urban planning process to design innovative urban developments. Choice architecture and nudging will proactively encourage vulnerable target groups to re-appropriate their living area and become active actors of a local dynamic.
3. Co-planning and co-design of a new district 
The project aims to give most deprived citizens the opportunity to be the first users of the new district of a new mixed neighbourhood located on the former Blast Furnace 6 site in order to integrate them into social life. A new day shelter will be relocated in the district involving all inhabitants in the development of the area. The project will also set up a local meeting place embedded in the social and associative network of the neighbourhood and offering new services and opportunities.

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Seraing, Belgium Small sized cities (50k > 250k)
About UIA
Urban Innovative Actions
The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.
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