BeSecure-FeelSecure - Holistic Urban Security Governance Framework for Monitoring, Assessing and Forecasting the Efficiency, Sustainability and Resilience of Piraeus

The Be Secure-Feel Secure (BSFS) proposed solution aims to provide a holistic framework against urban security threats, focusing on crime prevention and improvement of the actual and perceived security. This can be achieved via efficient collaboration of key urban entities, infrastructures and the citizens, entailing seamless information sharing and increased social cohesion. In this line, BSFS will be implemented in three layers (governance, cyber and social & spatial actions). In the Governance layer, a Local Council for Crime Prevention (LCCP) will be established in the municipality of Piraeus, in order to promote collaborative decision making between the main urban stakeholders. LCCP will be comprised by representatives of the urban authority, police, criminology (scientific) experts and cyber-security (technical) experts.
These decision makers will be supported by the Cyber layer of the project, with the implementation of an Evidence-based Collaborative Urban Risk Management (CURiM) ICT platform. CURiM enables synergies among local stakeholders towards identifying, modeling, evaluation, forecasting and prevention of cyber/physical security threats.
The output of the collaboration between LCCP and CURiM will be the definition and implementation of specific Social & Spatial actions, following the approach of modern CPTED “Crime Prevention through Environmental Design”. These actions will be associated, inter alia, to the delivery of urban security awareness sessions to key citizen groups, beautification of selected abandoned or vandalized public property and victimization support.
Utterly, the BSFS project will deliver a governance framework and a collaborative urban security management platform in order to improve both the urban security landscape of Piraeus and increase its citizens’ perception of safety. Upon their evaluation, the project results will comprise a set of best practices, which will be communicated outside the local boundaries, so that they can be adoptable by other Greek and European cities.
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The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is a European Union initiative that provided funding to urban areas across Europe to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. The initiative had a total ERDF budget of €372 million for 2014-2020.
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