Throughout the years, URBACT has led the way to a just digital transition. The experience from cities bears witness of change.

Among its core objectives, the EU cohesion policy has set as a first priority to create a more competitive and smarter Europe. But what does it mean to take the leap towards the digital transition? Read on to get a glimpse of how URBACT cities have faced today's challenges using tech solutions and ideas.       Piraeus (EL) Blue Growth Entrepreneurship Competition    As part of its efforts to create new jobs and innovation opportunities within the local economy, Piraeus launched its blue growth entrepreneurship competition, which is recognised as an URBACT Good Practice. As a coastal city, with a strong maritime industry, it’s in the best interest of the city and its citizens to explore and ...

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Written by an URBACT Stakeholder

URBACT is a European Territorial Cooperation programme that enables the cooperation of European cities within thematic networks since 2002. The programme also provides capacity-building activities and tools, and shares knowledge and good practices to city representatives and urban practitioners.

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