Have your say on the Sustainable Tourism Draft Action Plan!

Urban Agenda for the EU


The consultation is now live on the Partnership’s dedicated webpage. 

Consult EUSurveu and have your say! 


The proposed set of Actions aims to transform the tourism landscape, making it more resilient, inclusive, and environmentally conscious. Developed through extensive collaboration among the members of the Thematic Partnership on Sustainable Tourism, within the Urban Agenda for the EU, the Action Plan outlines six Actions designed to address the key challenges faced in the framework of urban tourism today. 

We are now seeking input from the public and all relevant stakeholders to refine and enhance the Draft Action Plan. The consultation covers general aspects of the overall goals and objectives of the Action Plan and specific aspects related to each Action. 

We invite you to share your thoughts on the relevance and feasibility of the Actions, offer recommendations for improvement, suggest ways to overcome challenges, provide ideas for effective dissemination and potential synergies. Your participation will help ensure that the Sustainable Tourism Action Plan is robust, comprehensive, and reflective of the diverse needs within the tourism sector. 

Take the opportunity to add your views and join us in shaping a sustainable future for urban tourism. The consultation will close on 31 July.

Your voice matters! 

Did you know the Public Consultation on the Draft Action Plan of the Urban Agenda for the EU Greening Cities Partnership is also currently ongoing? Have a look at it here.  

See also