Zoom-in China Online Training Series (2): Regional Development

International Urban and Regional Cooperation
In Person ,


Since the fundamental reforms in 1980s, China has experience remarkable transition through a combined process of industrialization and urbanization. The urban population has grown from about 200 million or 20% in 1980 to nearly 800 million or 60% in 2020. That is about 1.5 times the total population of the EU. The growth was largely relying on labor, land, raw materials, and other cost-effective resources to participate in global supply chain. To transform to a sustainable pathway, Chinese government put a major policy focus on promoting innovation system in urban and regional development. It has profound impact on spatial development and economic growth in different regions in China.

The Zoom-in China is part of the International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) in China, participated by representatives of national and local governments, and urban development experts, discussing about long-term social, economic, and ecological change in China. The aim is to provide EU city and regional representatives the context of urban transition in China, therefore help city and regional cooperation to lead in a more effective way and achieve a more satisfactory result.



Through deep discussion on China regional development context, this online session aims to identify challenges faced and strategies implemented in Chinese regions. The training may help EU regions to deep understand Chinese context and transfer the knowledge to the IURC China cooperation process by:

  1. Sharing knowledge about social, economic, and technical context of Chinese regions
  2. Identifying potential pilot areas in the future cooperation with Chinese counterparts.


Date: 5 Nov 2021, 9:00-10:30 CET / 16:00-17:30 CST




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