The Role of Municipalities in Promoting the Renovation Wave

International Urban and Regional Cooperation
In Person ,

Date & Time: 29th November (Mon), 10:00 – 11:00 am (CET) / 18:00-19:00 (JST)

This webinar will be held as a “Thematic Track 5 (TT5) “ of ISAP2021 which is organised by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).

Website of ISAP2021:


English-Japanese interpretation will be available via Zoom.


For cities to meet the challenge of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, one policy pillar is to promote
a renovation wave in buildings, which the EU sees as a priority of its Green Deal. The EU is known for
its holistic approach to buildings and under the post covid-19 era, new policy instruments are being
introduced to help buildings decarbonise, integrate renewables, promote resource efficiency and
circularity. Meanwhile, Japan’s Premier has declared that Japan would realise carbon-neutrality by
2050, and a roadmap announced in June addresses building energy efficiency as a crucial
component. Widespread decarbonisation of buildings is still a challenge, but we see more
examples in both EU and Japan.


Time Programme
10:00 CET (18:00 JST) Opening Remarks and background to the webinar

Prof. Hidefumi Imura, IURC Asia-Australasia, Key Expert for Japan


Group Photo Session


10:05 CET (18:05 JST)


Setting the scene: EU’s policy on “Renovation Wave” and the role of municipalities

Dr. Paolo Bertoldi, Senior Expert, Joint Research Center of the

EU Commission


10:15 CET (18:15 JST)


City Panel

·        Mr. Jon Gastanares (Head) and Mr. Iker Mardaras Larrañaga (architect), Energy Efficiency Section, the City of Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

·        Mr. Masayuki Fujita, Environmental Policy Department, Kyoto City Government, Japan

·        Ms. Brigitte Köhnlein, Deputy Head, Department of Federal, European and International Affairs, Ministry for Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg


Moderator: Dr. Ryoko Nakano, IURC Asia & Australasia, Japan


10:40 CET (18:40 JST)




10:55 CET (18:55 JST


Summary, next steps and closing remarks

·        Mr. Pablo Gandara, Team Leader, IURC Asia-Australasia


11:00 CET (19:00 JST)


Closure of meeting



Read the highlights here and watch the video and download the presentations here.

See also