MUFPP & IURC Asia Pacific Food Policy Training: Introduction

International Urban and Regional Cooperation
In Person ,

Wednesday, 2nd March 2022, 8:30-9:30 am CET


The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat in partnership with the IURC programme of the European Union is organising an online training on urban food policy through a series of webinars for MUFPP and IURC cities in Asia Pacific. Participating cities will have the opportunity to showcase their best practices and learn from their peers in the region in the way they use food as an entry point for sustainable urban development.


The training will consist of an introductory session, followed by six webinars directly linked to the six categories of the Milan Pact. The introductory webinar will give participating cities the opportunity to understand the key pillars of a food policy and all the associated benefits of developing one. As the first event, the introductory session will provide overviews of the Farm to Fork Strategy of the European Union and the MUFPP. Participating cities will have the possibility to share their learning needs and showcase their best practices on food related issues. The webinar will also be the occasion for presenting the entire series for cities interested to join the training.



Overview on the IURC programme (10 minutes)

Michel Mouchiroud, Deputy Head, EU Foreign Policy Instruments Asia-Pacific


Keynote speech on the power of sustainable food system to transform our cities in the framework of the EU Green Deal (10 minutes)

Andrea Magarini, Chair of the Eurocities Working Group Food


Overview on the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and presentation of the webinar series (15 minutes)

Filippo Gavazzeni, Head of the MUFPP Secretariat, City of Milan


Survey and Q&A (20 minutes)


Read the highlights and watch the video here.


See also