Low-Emission Zones- Addressing Air Quality, Reducing Congestion & Increasing Economic and Racial Equity

International Urban and Regional Cooperation
In Person ,

During our second Sustainable Urban Mobility and Transport session, you will learn from Jacob Mason from ITDP what low-emission zones (LEZ) are and what can make them more successful. Hear directly from Jordi Jové from the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Spain, how they were able to implement their expansive LEZ and considerably reduced private vehicles and greenhouse gas emissions, and gain insights from Lidia Henderson from WRI on how to address the challenges to implement a LEZ in your city. The three speakers will also explain how LEZ, beyond improving air quality and reducing congestion, can be an important economic and racial equity tool.

To learn more about LEZ and the topics we’ll cover, check out:

ITDP’s recently published report The Opportunity of Low Emission Zones: A Taming Traffic Deep Dive Report.

WRI’s paper Zero-Emission Delivery Zones: Decarbonizing Urban Freight and Goods Delivery in U.S. Cities.



Presentation Low-Emission Zones- Addressing Air Quality, Reducing Congestion & Increasing Economic and Racial Equity – Jacob Mason

Presentation Low-Emission Zones- Addressing Air Quality, Reducing Congestion & Increasing Economic and Racial Equity – Jordi Jové Palou

Presentation Low-Emission Zones- Addressing Air Quality, Reducing Congestion & Increasing Economic and Racial Equity – Lidia Henderson

See also