IURC at the World Urban Forum

International Urban and Regional Cooperation
In Person ,

The International Urban and Regional Cooperation programme (previously IUC) financed under the Foreign Partnership Instrument (FPI) and the strategic support from the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG-REGIO) of the European Commission, has contributed to bring together cities and regions from across the globe to work jointly towards achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda (as extended voluntary commitment from the European Union), the Urban Agenda for the EU or the European Cohesion Policy objectives.

The World Urban Forum is an opportunity to meet, showcase and network among cities, regions from across the world as well as with their stakeholders. For this 11th edition in Katowice (Poland), IURC and their partners have created a joint programme to foster greener urban futures and facilitate networking at international level.

Monday 27th 16-17:30h – International Congress Centre Multifunction Hall, 1st floor, Room 6- Ref. NE 26

Networking Event: “International Urban and Regional Cooperation to rethink sustainable urban and innovative models for a greener and better future”

Learn and exchange how can cities/regions be designed/rethought/co-created to contribute to the transition to net-zero emissions through attractive and financeable pilot projects. After the presentation of Madrid Urban Forest and the Manheim’s initiative on climate-neutral building stock by 2045, representatives from the Climate Finance Gap Fund– European Investment Bank (EIB) and The Urban Resilience Fund (TURF), MERIDIAM will provide feedback on the case studies exposed, providing opportunities and areas of improvement in order to make these projects eligible to receive funding from an investor perspective.

Public event. Max. capacity 100. Find out more about this event here.

Tuesday 28th 17:00-18:30h. – Metrolab zone at the Scientific Information Center and Academic Library CINiBA)- Bankowa 11a, 40-007 Katowice

IURC Networking Coffee at Metrolab

Our partner Metropolis GZM will offer a Networking Coffee supported by the IURC team who will be facilitating exchanges and contacts for those joining similar thematic clusters.
IURC members event. Max. capacity 40.

Wednesday 29th 11:00-12:30 – Located in the International Congress Centre – Ground floor

European Track eventJust move: ensuring nobody is left behind in the shift toward sustainable urban mobility

To reach the European climate neutrality goals, cities will have to undergo a fast paced and profound paradigm shift in the urban mobility realm. While being faced with the urgency of the climate crisis, it is of paramount importance that the transition towards more sustainable urban mobility will take into account and cater for everybody’s needs, ensuring nobody is left behind. In this session we will discuss with cities what steps they are taking to transform their transport systems to become more accessible, affordable, safe and inclusive while supporting the transition towards a climate neutral Europe.



2nd REGISTER FOR OUR EVENTS HERE (Before 20 June – due to limited capacity of the rooms)

See also