IURC China Cooperation Webinar: Urban Renewal and Renovation Wave

International Urban and Regional Cooperation
In Person ,



In the EU and China, urban renewal has become the major way to meet the increasing demand of residents for urban space and facilities without the expenses of large-scale demolition of existing buildings and urban fabric. Many neighbourhoods and buildings are in critical demand of renovation aiming for healthy environmental quality, energy & resource efficiency, and aesthetics of the built environment.


The EU initiated the Green City under the framework of the New Leipzig Charter, which calls for nature-based solutions to regenerate urban ecosystems, the New European Bauhaus, which matches sustainability with good design, and the Renovation Wave Strategy to improve the energy and resource efficiency of buildings. The recent effort to revise the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) translates the EU’s Renovation Wave Strategy into concrete legislative action.


In China, the strategy of “Double Urban Repair” – Ecological Restoration and Urban Renovation has changed the property-led urban renewal towards a more participatory approach which demands closer investigation of the local context and diverse stakeholders to protect the history and culture of the neighbourhood. Green Building technologies and criteria are applied to improve the environmental quality, energy performance and social sustainability. Notably, carrying out nearly-zero energy buildings (NZEB) is written in the 14th Five-Year Plan in 2021.


Held in the EU Climate Diplomacy Weeks 2022 (12 Sep – 30 Oct), which focuses on the theme of energy, we invite you to take part in the IURC cooperation webinar that aims to foster cooperation on climate change through sustainable urban renewal and regeneration.





Through deep multilateral discussion, this thematic webinar seeks to showcase challenges and solutions in IURC pilot cities & regions for a green, inclusive, competitive, and resilient urban regeneration and provide them with a networking opportunity to:


  1. Share perspectives, policy initiatives, and best practices
  2. Identify potential common projects and relevant stakeholders to address the transition to a green, healthy and resilient city.




This webinar will take place among stakeholders from IURC China pilot cities and regions.




Read the highlights from the event

See also